Tuesday 28 April 2009


some points about feminists:

(1)MARXIST FEMINISTS: Exploitation of women is essential to the success of capitalism. Family cost free because society accepts that housework shouldn’t be paid.
Benston 1969: If housework was paid even at minimum wage, it would damage capitalists profits hugely
Ansley 1972: men take out their frustration and stress from work to women
(2)RADICAL FEMINISTS: Housework is an area of exploitation of women BUT: it is not the fault of capitalism system; patriarchy as built into the structure of the society; men will always oppress women
Delphy and Leonard: men get most of the benefits and women do most of the work – that is a patriarchal institution called family(3) LIBERAL FEMINISTS: The family is only sexist because it supports mainstream culture which is sexist; social change is POSSIBLE through the legal system such as laws and regulations

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